Saturday, October 31, 2009

How can you tell a good doctor?

I had a dentist who I felt rushed me around and didn't even give me a chance to talk. What are the signs of a good doctor??
If you are NOT happy.that's sign enough for me.

I have a list both in my head (oral discussion) and hand written list of concerns and questions- that I submit to the nurse, prior to my one on one with the doctor, so my questions and issues are covered.

AS a medical professional, I appreciate the fact that we are emotional beings and often we get "caught up " in the event and forget to cover all the details and concerns of our patients. I appreciate the organized and educated client. I can better serve you , if you know what you expect from me and TELL me, since everyone has totally different needs.
No matter if you come in for the exact same thing.

Best wishes
well a dentist isn't a doctor so are you asking for a good dentist?

Just shop around %26 ask ppl for referrals to their dentists.
I'd say that he's just shown you what a good doctor ISN'T - rushed, uncommunicative, and unwilling to listen. Find another - you'll be glad you did.
a dentist is a doctor. you can tell if he or she is good by the willingness to answer your questions. one that gives you the time. one that is not running all the time. one that asks you how you want to be treated. one that doesn't have a million patients waiting. one that sticks to appointment times within reason. those are all signs of a good doctor. be it a dentist, gp, vet. etc.
behaving, talking,ask ques, smile
Tell a good doctor what?

I assume you want the traits of a good doctor.
I think a doctor should be likable, and explain things to you. If they are smart, it helps, but understand that some of the smartest doctors, have terrible bedside manners. A doctor who may not be as smart , but cares enough, will go the extra miles to help you get better. Most important should be their desire to help you get better.
If you feel pressured and rushed and do not like the doctor find someone else.
Remember that the doctor-patient interaction is a two way street and mutual respect and courtesy are important.

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