Sunday, October 25, 2009

How can I wake up better in the morning?

I have a lot of trouble getting up in the morning.. I have set three alarms because sometimes, I don't even hear my regular one. I took my snooze button out of it, as well, but i still can't get up. It takes me nearly an hour to wake. I go to bed around ten, but I've tried to go to bed earlier and that still doesn't help! I don't even feel rested in the morning..
Go to bed early and then when the first alarm goes off. Sit up and watch TV. Then get up and start getting ready. Give yourself time to get over the sleep enertia stage!

(saw it on MSN)
lol same for me.. i have a cell phone so before i go to sleep i put my alarm on high voume and set it right next to my ear...haha... but i would also avoid caffiene before sleeping and going to sleep earlier
I have friends who are in the same situation as you lol. Maybe you could try a roomate or your parents to wake you up? Or ask someone to call you every morning and dont stop calling until they are certain that you're awake.
lol i'm exactly the same way. My hand literally has a mind of its own(when the alarm goes off my hand hits snooze when i'm not aware of it) Put the alarm clock across the room. That way you'll have to get up in order to turn it off. Or set the alrm for an hour earlier.

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