Sunday, October 25, 2009

How can I stop my husband snoring?

No- smothering him will not do!!!!!
Not a funny situation when your partner snores, and it's quite possible that your husband's snoring could have serious health risks as well. Make an appointment at a sleep testing center to check for apnea, which can cause hypertension, enlarged heart and other nasty side effects. There are medical treatments available.
make him sleep in the shed?

it wont stop him, but at least you wont be able to hear him.
punch him so hard on the centre of his face, then see if he can snore out of a broken nose, thats what i feel like doing to my husband. I always end up in the spare bed.
Every-time he starts snoring stab him with a small knife, should do the trick.
hold his nose when he does, can't guarantee it will stop, but it will give you a laugh wen he wakes up all of a sudden.
put cotton wool up his nose, then he can only breath through his mouth, should he then make strange noises, PUT HIM DOWN. XX
get a new one lol
give him a kick up the backside!!that's what i do to my husband!
It works with my husband if i pull the hairs at the bach of his legs
I have had many a sleepless night due to my old man snoring so i bought some ear plugs they work a treat no more sleepless nights for me and surprisingly i still hear my son if he wakes.
Have him talk to a doctor about this because there are ways to try and stop it.I have heard of retainers and minor operations that can be tried. A friend of mine who used to snore really bad went to the doc and they found out he had sleep apnea which explained why he was so tired all the time as well. This was fixed with a minor operation
my husband used to snore, he had his 'clacker' removed under general anasthetic,---- he no longer snores

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